MsgBox “Let’s rock and roll”
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys “{bs}”
Save as "hack.b...
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Get 1000 Twitter Followers in a Day

Twitter lies amongst the top position in the list of the most admired and heavily used social networking site.
A Twitter user always want his/her tweet to reach the the eyes of as many people as possible.
This tricky technique can do the work for them:-
1). is the URL where you will find the record of most followed twitters.
2). Target at least 10 such Twitters.
3). Open each of the profile in a separate tab and follow them one at a tim...
Appear Offline to Some of Your Friends on Facebook Chat

There might be the case when you don’t wish to chat with few peoples or in other words you want to chat with the selected one.
If you get frustrated with the disturbance caused by these “No to Chat” people, in that case, Facebook provides you with the nice facility which enables you to choose the people with whom you don’t want to chat.
It’s a hidden feature which can be enabled by following these steps:-
Step 1: Open your account on Facebook.
Step 2: Click on the “Chat” option which is present on the lower right side of your profile...
How to create CON folder in windows

Not only CON, we cannot create any of these-
CON, PRN, AUX, CLOCK$, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, LPT9 and more..
The reason is that con, prn, lpt1.. lpt9, etc are underlying devices from the time dos was written. So if u r allowed to create such folders, there will be an ambiguity in where to write data when the data is supposed to go to the specified devices. In other words, if i want to print something, internally what windows does is -- it will write the data to the folder prn (virtually u can call it a folder, i mean prn, con, etc are virtual folders...
30 Things That You Don't Know About Windows 8

1. A great feature introduced in Windows 8 is Genuine Center, through which you'll be able to enter or change your license key and view the status of your license genuineness.
2. Windows 8 On screen keyboard, can split in two parts and converts in Thumb Keyboard to provide easy access to all keys on a Tablet.
3. Multitasking has been made easy and more efficient. Windows 8 runs two different UI simultaneously.
4. Apps can communicate with each other in Windows 8.
5. Gesture-based navigation is intuitive and fas...
Friday, December 30, 2011
Ebomb a prank code for fun

This is a simple attack that enables running multiple applications in victims pc just to play fun on him. There are many ways to make ebomb but this is the most easiest way to do it. Simply open notepad and type-
The code:-@echo off
msg * "Sorry buddy but you just messed up yourself"
start iexplore " "
start firefox " "
start notepad
start iexplore " "
start firefox " "
start notepad
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Most Weak Passwords of 2011 | How to Choose a Password-
This list will help you to decide, WHAT NOT TO CHOOSE AS YOUR PASSWORD
Choosing a strong password for your accounts (whether email accounts or server accounts), is one of the most crucial steps in protecting your account from getting hacked.
If you have a very strong password, chances of your account getting hacked are reduced by 50%, rest 50% is because of human ignorance and we can’t do anything about it.
How To Post Blank Status or Comment On Facebook-
Note:- It works only With both Status and Comments.
So here is the trick..
1) Goto Your Profile and type
2) Type either “@[0:0: ]” or “alt+0173″ ( of numpad without qoutes ofcourse)
3) Press Enter… And That’s it..
Simple, isn’t it..
Now play around , shock your friends and have fun..;-)
Join my blo...
How to send password protected Email

Now a days, Email is the most common media for information interchange. It is used by most of the working person. Most of the popular email servers such as GMail , Yahoo mail, Hotmail and many other provide this email service for free. Users need to create a free account and then they can use their account for sending and recieveing emails.
But Cyber criminals are always try to hack passwords of users email account to read emails andmis use the account. Do you know? you can also protect each mail sent by you with a password for better information security. If some one managed to get into the account, he would not be able to read...
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
How To Download Torrents in Java, Windows, Symbian and Android Mobiles

Mobiles with 3G and Wifi are common these days and various high speed data plans are available that gives lighting fast Internet speed.
These mobiles (Smartphones) have high storage capacity and you can save movies and other multimedia files without any constraint.
You can also download files directly from torrents using free mobile applications.
How To Download Torrents In Android Mobiles:
Ever since the launch of android in 2007 it has revolutionized the smartphone industry.It is now the main competitor of Apple’s IOS and is the best selling smartphone platform.
Transdroid is an Android app that support various clients including...
Trick to Access GMAIL Offline

Gmail is the most preffered email service these days.The reason being that they have been consistently improving their services.Gmail offers more than 7.6 Gigabyte of space which is increasing every second.So, you don’t have to delete even a single email due to lack of space .
Their are a lot of addtional features like in Gmail labs like- Addtional chat emotions , Preview Pane, which can be activated when required. Now you can also get the ability to access Gmail in offline mode which can be really useful if you don’t have internet connection but are in need of urgent access to your mailbox. Although in offline mode you can’t...
Monday, December 26, 2011
CCleaner on your own
Clean all your temporary Internet files, cookies, temp files, log files, backup files, recent documents and more…
-> Open the notepad
-> Paste this code...
Free Cricket Scores For all networks
I am here with a good news for cricket lovers, you can get ball to ball info by using this trick.
Just call a number
provided below
and get free cricket score per call.
while we call, it will
disconnects. Then you get an sms by cricket score. It works
every network. The number is- 02233010055
How to watch blocked youtube videos
Today i gonna say how to play blocked videos in youtube. Certain countries and geographical regions filter some videos and it may show "This video is not permitted to see your country" or something like that.
So don't worry, i have the solution.
Edit the url bar-
For eg:- if you want to watch
Play this Funny prank in your friend’s computer
Type the code in notepad as:-
@ECHO off
GOTO top
Save it as “notepad.BAT” and send it.
Handy and best computer tip to join Video Files using Command Prompt

Yes, that’s right.
In this post I am going to show you a simple tip to join video of various formats like Mpeg, dat, mpg..
If you have questions like
1. How to join various video files into one?
2. Join two video files?
3. How to Join videos taken from mobile phone?
Then, the best method to follow is shown below. You can join your video files using just the windows Command Prompt. No need of any video joining software’s.
Step 1: For example if you have 3 videos in your hardrive root drive: video1.mpg, video2.mpg and video3.mpg just rename them to a, b, and c (just the letter withoug the file extension...
Friday, December 23, 2011
How to Make a Trojan Horse

Most of you may be curious to know about how to make a Trojan or Virus on your own. Here is an answer for your curiosity. In this post I’ll show you how to make a simple Trojan on your own using C programming language.
This Trojan when executed will eat up the hard disk space on the root drive (The drive on which Windows is installed, usually C: Drive) of the computer on which it is run.
Also this Trojan works pretty quickly and is capable of eating up approximately 1 GB of hard disk space for every minute it is run. So, I’ll call this as Space Eater Trojan. Since this Trojan is written using a high level programming...
Top disadvantages of Aakash tab
I think you have already read my post written about Akash tab's specifications and performance.
Today we are going to discuss the top threats that face this tab.We can discuss by points.
Government of India says that it would be available on market since December 2011.But the same time the developer, Data-wind says that it will be released only after 2012.
The information on its development was strangely unclear. We did cover it’s announcement over a year ago in July 2010. After that it seemed like the project was scrapped and suddenly it is being released in January 2012.
About 100,000 units will be available in January 2012, but still no clarity on which universities will be covered or even how one could pre-order the commercial version...
Trick to Check Who Un-Friended You on Facebook

Eager to know who un-friended you and when? Well the new Facebook Timeline feature has a flaw which can be explored to know who unfriended you and in which year.
If you have activated Facebook Timline then by using this trick you can easily find all the friends who unfriended you.
This is a loophole and it will be fixed soon by facebook so you better hurry!!
Trick to Check Who Has Un-Friended You on Facebook:-First of all Enable Timeline Feature in your Facebook Account.
Now open your profile and click on the year in which you want see the people who unfriended you...
How To Remove Adult Content Scam Updates From Auto Posting on Facebook Profile

When you click your profile gets infected too and this same status update start automatically posting from your profile on your friends walls.
When you click on that you will be redirected to a webpage where a fake YouTube video is embedded which is offcourse not playable. Users who click the video to play, get a popup to verify the age and there starts the menace. The verify age button, which says “ Jaa ” is actually the download button of the browser extension which once downloaded starts sharing the same status updates from your profile on your friends walls.
>> The solution to remove is super simple for this:...
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Vodafone Balance Transfer
Just Dial *131*Amount*FriendMobileNumber# to initiate a money transfer! And your existing balance will be instantly debited and sent to your friend! Suppose if you want to send 10 Rupees to your friend’s Number 9999999999 from your existing balance, all you need to do is dial *131*10*999999999# and wait for a confirmation pop up! Easy Isn’t it?Things you want to remember before initiating a Transaction-Make Sure you enter the Valid 10 digit Mobile Number of your Friend (Cross Check Twice)Enter any Amount between from 5Rs(lower limit) and 30Rs (upper limit)You are allowed to transfer money to the same number only once in a day.Play safe with *131*Amount*FriendMobileNumber# , Your crazy Friend could grab your Phone and send all your money to his Number The Above Service was tested...
How to Balance Transfer DoCoMo to Friend’s DoCoMo Number
Tata DoCoMo now allows you to recharge not only your mobile but also your friends mobile on the go right from your mobile by just sending a simple message. Tata Docomo BuddyNet service is a way with which you can avail this scheme.To do so, you should first validate your mobile number@ to Tranfer Balance from Docomo to other Docomo Users:Type a message BT<space>Friend’s Mobile number<space>Amount of balance transfer and send it to 54321For Example to Transfer Rs.25 Talk-time from 9030012345 to 9030099999 . The sender types “BT 9030099999 25″ and SMS to 54321In just a few seconds your friend’s DOCOMO number will receive the recharged amount on his mobile.Points to be Noted-To reverse the Amount a Member needs to type “RBTTransaction...
Aircel Introduces Balance Transfer facility
Aircel has come up with “Balance Transfer Facility” which is first of its kind, for its subscribers..Aircel has introduced “Balance Transfer” facility for its prepaid subscribers, where in a valid Aircel prepaid subscriber can transfer a defined denomination to another valid Aircel subscriber when in need. The service is applicable for all intra and inter Aircel operated Circles.With this new facility in place, the prepaid Aircel subscriber after opting the service will be charged with a nominal processing fee of Re.1 per transaction starting from denomination of Rs. 5 respectively....
This trick is for delhi! delhi airtel users can transfer their balance to other airtel mobiles by following a simple trick.but you should have balance more than 250 for transferring your balance to another mobile.Dial*141*mobile no.#& Transfer 50/- but balance must be above then 250rs.SMS Math...
Large Password List: Free Download Dictionary File for Password Cracking
For password cracking, you can choose two different methods
1. Dictionary Attack
2. Brute Force Attack.
The Dictionary attack is much faster when compared to Brute force attack.(There is another method named as "Rainbow table", it is similar to Dictionary attack).
In order to achieve success in dictionary attack, we need a large size of Password list.
Here is the list of 1,717,681 passwords(Free to download)...
Introduction to Vulnerability Assessment

What is Vulnerability Assessment?
Vulnerability Assessment is the process that identifies and classifies the vulnerability in a system. The vulnerability are performed in various systems such as IT systems,nuclear power plants, water supply system,etc.
Vulnerability from the perspective of disaster management means assessing the threats from potential hazards to the population and to infrastructure.
It may be conducted in the political, social, economic or environmental fields.
The steps involved in Vulnerability Assessment...
7 Things You Should Know About Online Passwords

As online technology has advanced, so have hackers techniques for getting into your accounts and stealing personal information. Hackers break into computers 2,244 times each day by figuring out weak usernames or passwords, according to University of Maryland data.
If you’re still using the same password you made up when you opened your first email account, you are setting yourself up to be a hacking victim. But don’t worry; read on and learn how to set those Internet geniuses-gone-wrong up for failure by knowing the essentials about online passwords.
How to hack someone’s Mobile Phone in 5 minutes
Hey guys today i am telling you how to hack someone’s mobile phone easily via Bluetooth. You can hack it to call for free, can have the data over it, and anything you wanna do. It is the mobile Bluetooth hacker software that i am using now to do so. It is a software which can be used to hack any mobile phone through Bluetooth network. Once connected to a another phone via Bluetooth
How To Hack Any Moblie Via Bluetooth 100 % Working...
New tata docomo 3g internet trick free 2012 ~ tata docomo 3g hack
So How , if you get 2GB Gprs For 48 rs per month and a 3G speed of 300 to 600 kbps.Great right?
Here I have provided the trick in detail read well,understand and proceed .This trick works every where in India where there is a 3g network. (IT is Important that you must need a 3G supporting device for it like 3g mobiles or 3g usb modem.)
Hack Idea Gprs Hack new Free | Idea Gprs tricks 2012-2011
This is the new trick for the user of idea cellular/cell phone or pc/laptop…..
Before starting the detailed procedure these things described as:-
Again Airtel 3g hack new ~ Airtel 3g Hack

Hello readers we are having a new post on Airtel 3g hack.
Airtel 3G and 2G is hacked for third time in this december.
And This is my new trick to get free internet on mobile. In this trick you have to just download and install opera mini which is already modded .install and run it, You will get free internet on airtel mobile..
This trick is work with 2G and 3G both.It’s absolutely working all over india. Hope it will work for you also. The trick is quite simple, as it looks.Below are given some instructions. You have to just follow them in sequence as they are given.Instuction...
Google is going to launch it’s Android Tablet soon
Google has already had a hand in the development of the Motorola Xoom, but like other Android tablets, it suffered disappointing sales in a market dominated by the iPad.
Since then Google has itself become a major hardware manufacturer via its $12.5 billion dollars acquisition Motorola’s devices division, which is currently under consideration by competition authorities.According to The Telegraph, Schmidt paid tribute to Steve Jobs’ role in kickstarting the tablet market, describing the iPad as “amazing”...
100% working free SMS trick/ hack Vodafone December/january 2011/2012
Hi Vodafone friends today i found that one free sms tricks on Vodafone mobile is available.
So i decided to share this with you. as you all know vodafone charges for sms local/std .
And also their are tariffs for free msgs across india. But today we will discuss one trick to send free messages.
Just follow the steps below:-...
How to Insert Google adsense in youtube videos ~ tutorial
Here is a how to, on setting up Google AdSense Video Units via YouTube.
>Step 1: Go to your AdSense Set Up Page and click on the YouTube (Video Units) option.
>Step 2: Agree to legal disclaimer (first time only)
>Step 3: Confirm your AdSense account with YouTube (first time only). You are taken to YouTube after you agree to the disclaimer. This is where you plugin your AdSense account information, so YouTube and AdSense can communicat...
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Facebook spam update
Beware of two other new malicious video links..
The post starts here:
Check this out ... cool <your name> u wont believe! I dare you can watch this.
"Boy suicides after his father wrote in his wall "
"98% Of CANADA"
"97% People Cant Watch This Video For More Than 25 Seconds!"
Share this topic to all your frien...
Prank your Friend: Block Websites on his PC

This virus has been exclusively created in ‘C’. So, anyone with a basic knowledge of C will understand the working of virus. This virus need to be clicked only once by the victim. Once it is clicked, it’ll block a list of websites that has been specified in the source code. The victim will never be able to surf those websites unless he re-install’s the OS. So once blocked, the site will not appear in any browser. Here is the Source Code of the viru...
Mobile Phone Security by Mcafee WEB SECURE-
Hey guys.. i wanna tell u something interestin.. and great Innovation by Mcafee that is Wave secure..
What exactly Its..
Suppose u lost your cell and it was having all the private Information including your Credit Card Number and you were also logged in using gmail and Facebook and along with it it consisted important contacts, so just Get this Web secure and log on to the Websecure Mcafee website and as soon as u report there you will be getting a copy of your contacts and all the Private Information and all the Privated information wipes out from your Phone along with that Attacker Mobile Number will also be obtained...
I mean thats really cool and fantastic guys....
>> Like and share this post <&...
Reliance Free GPRS Trick December 2011
Here is the latest trick to get free GPRS in your Reliance connection. This trick will help you to browse & download unlimited in your reliance phone. To get free net just follow the below steps-
*. Download proxyfire
*. Select the APN as rcommms
*. Open proxyfire and go to options tab
*. Click on the proxy settings and add
*. In the address field type
*. In the prot box type 3178
*. Now launch your mozilla browser and browse unlimited..
Funny Trick To Hack Facebook

You can edit content of any website including facebook, myspace, twitter etc:-
>> How to perform this trick?
Open any website of your choice (like facebook) in browser (internet explorer,google chrome,firefox) and clear the address bar of the browser.
Copy paste the following javascript code in the address bar of your browser->
javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0
And that's it. Now you can edit anything that is written on the page.
>> How this trick actually work...